I believe it is perfectly fine and normal to stereotype people even if it is negative towards that person. You should not however, voice your stereotypical opinion on them if it is negative. If it is positive and nice and you're feeling like a good person then tell them but never comment on some opinion of yours if it's in the negative manner. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. ~Tyston Harrison
It is okay to stereotype in certain situations, but is not acceptable in many situations. In a situation where it a decision you make whether to stereotype or not that can harm you or be detrimental to your health, I believe it is okay to stereotype. In situations where you are stereotyping to intentionally hurt someone, or get back at someone, it not acceptable whatsoever. Although, there are situations where we as humans cannot help but to stereotype. Our brain automatically stereotypes when meeting new people as a quick way to get a first impression or opinion on someone, because of how advanced the human brain is. When we as humans get into these situations, we have to counter-attack our brain and try to learn factual information about someone before jumping to stereotypical conclusions about someone or something. I think stereotyping is okay in few situations, but not acceptable in most.
Like Mrs. Chase said, it's okay to stereotype when it comes to things like safety. Humans stereotype people almost instantly. It's just how we work. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to stereotype somebody, however, there comes a point when it's not okay. If you start to discriminate somebody because of their stereotype then it is definitely not okay. Stereotypes are a thing. It's true, we all fit into different categories in SOME ways. But we all deserve to have the same amount of respect that anybody else would. -Kelly
No I don't think stereotyping is okay but I believe stereotyping is a natural thing that EVERYONE does. Personally, I think there is no way to avoid it. I make opinions of people before I actually get to know them. However, I do believe people should give others the benefit of the doubt and get to know the person and let that opinion overcome the opinion that they originally had of them. Being rude to someone because of the stereotype you created before you have gotten to know them is also wrong and I think that if we can avoid this we can avoid a lot of the bullying that goes on.
I don't really think it is ever okay to stereotype. Sometimes people do match their stereotypes, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does. A lot of the time people may seem a certain way before getting to know them and once you actually do get to know them they can be completely different from what you expected. I think it is necessary to actually meet someone and know who they are before making assumptions about them.
I think that it's okay to stereotype. It is acceptable. Our brains natural function is to stereotype people and fit them into a little box in your brain. It makes it easier to know about the person by there looks than even meeting them. Our brains also do it as a safety mechanism. We put people into a box so we can have an idea if they are dangerous or could harm us. The other thing about stereotypes is that they aren't always bad. The only time it is wrong is if you are doing it in an intentional hurtful matter. Other than that let your brain stereotype and do its natural process. You never know it could save you one day.
Stereotyping s a natural thing our brains do and we can't help it. Sometimes stereotyping can help towards your own safety, when you feel you could be in danger, but if its negative towards someone and not benefiting towards yourself your thoughts shouldn't be voiced, you may not be able to help if you're thinking them or not, but don't speak it out loud. -Brenna
Honestly i don't really think that its a bad thing to stereotype someone. If you think about it its almost a natural process that our brain will do to help protect our selves and access a situation. The only real time i could ever see it being wrong is if the person was deliberately trying to hurt the person and stereotyping them in a deliberately negative way. -Shelby Logan
I think it's all right to stereotype, as long as you keep an open mind if they're not like what you expected they would be. Plus as long as you don't voice your opinion, if it's insulting, I think it's fine. Just keep your opinion to yourself.
It is never okay to stereotype in my opinion. It is a natural thing that we all do, our brain categorize so we feel safer in the situation we are put it. Society also kinda pushes us for stereotypes. With the movie coming out they are getting better with racism and sexism. But still there are movies and TV show that promote all of this. - Kaila P.S. Sarah is a BABE~!
Stereotyping is not wrong, nor is it right. I think that it is natural to stereotype people, and that all people do it in moderation. The negative side associated with stereotypes is when they are taken to the extreme, when people are categorized and not given a chance to prove themselves, or when people are discriminated due to their stereotypes. If you completely believe the authenticity of a stereo type, then you are the one at fault, but just using a stereotype as a general idea of what you might expect is an okay thing in my opinion.
I think it is okay to stereotype when your in a situation that might be threatening or endangering to you. i think it can be acceptable in some cases as long as it's not hurting anyone’s feelings or inappropriate. However in some cases I think it's completely unacceptable for example when it is having a negative effect on someone. I think stereotypes can be okay but I also think they can really hurt people's feelings depending on the situation. Alexa
I don't think stereotyping is neither good or bad. I think we naturally put people into certain categories whether we want to or not. I think the big issue is what we do with the stereotypes we make. Most of the time we end up making decisions on people based on what we hear or see, which is fine, its our opinion. Its what we do with those opinions. Should you go around telling people so and so is a bad person based on what you hear? Probably not. You might stereotype them yourself, but before you start telling the world they are bad based on no evidence maybe get more information. I don't believe stereotypes are bad, we do it with out even thinking about it. It is what we do with them that is wrong. We tell other people not to be friends with so and so because they don't do what you think is cool? That's when it becomes bad and hurtful. - Kendall
I feel its okay to stereotype. Usually people do it to feel safe just so your mind can process and feel more secure, but that is a total different type of situation. If its somebody at school like a person you just met that could be okay to. - tony kam
I think that yes and no for it being okay to stereotype people. Like if you are alone in dark street and someone iscoming at you adgressively then you can stereotype but just stereotyping random people in your school is not okay at all.
I believe that it is okay to stereotype to a certain extent because it can help you to analyze a situation. For example, in 2014 I was in the subway in Paris waiting for a train to take my tour group to our hotel when I saw a homeless man asleep on the dirty, concrete floor. He had a bottle of vodka in one hand and the other hand down the front of his pants. A few minutes later, he ran around the subway station, yelling incoherent things and running up to random people. In this instance it is okay to stereotype because it could potentially help you. That being said, you should not stereotype because another homeless man could be a really nice man who had bad circumstances which led him to where he is today.
It's okay to Stereotype people in a lot of situations, but only to a certain degree. Example: If you saw someone wearing a shirt that reads "I <3 Glasgow", they were wearing a kilt and had bagpipes over their shoulder you'd assume they were from Scotland. That's okay. If you saw someone who was carrying a skateboard, had a helmet on, and were walking in the direction of the skate park you'd think "They probably enjoy skateboarding." But if you saw someone with a french flag on their shirt, a twirly moustache, and a baugette under their arm you might go "HON HON HON, OUI OUI, BAUGETTE, FRANCAIS." You're probably in the wrong. That is flat out racist, not just stereotyping.
This is a interesting subject. It is ok to stereotype in some situations but not all the time. If your alone at night and see this guy or girl who looks sketchy then yes maybe you can stereotypes because your scared for your safety. It always depends on the situation. I personally don't like doing it but I do. Today's generation for example stereotype natives, I get stereotyped once in a while. They think a lot of natives drink, do drugs and all, but not all of us. I feel stereotyping started with Mean Girls. Not a lot of people were open about stereotyping until after that movie. I think stereotyping can be bad because well you can be rude to that person, bring down their self esteem, and other stuff. Everything can go in a bad direction from stereotyping. I personally think that stereotyping is bad and we shouldn't do it but sometimes we cant help it....
Stereotypes are sometimes funny. I also think as long as we all look different there will always be stereotypes. I find myself stereotyping people all the time. Sometimes I feel like stereotyping is an innate part of every human being. It's what we are boring into this world thinking and what we are surrounded by.
it is okay to stereotype when ever because it is a natural reaction when seeing someone new or who may look a bit different.it is acceptable to stereotype as long as you are not being overlly rude or saying it strait to who evers face you are thinking or talking about. my thoughts on stereotyping is it is a completly natural thing to do, its apart of the brain and human nature, when you see someone new you automaticaly start stereotyping the moment you see them by the way they look and act, some times with out even knowing you are doing it.
we stereo type people every single day, just off when we first see of them, which isn't really okay since we are often wrong about people's personalities. my thoughts on stereo typing is that we shouldn't do it because we often assume the worst possible thing, but if we keep an open mind about people, then our stereo types won't insult others, but many times they do insult people, so we should refrain.
I think that it is okay to stereotype to a certain point and that point is when you start being incredibly rude and hurtful or saying things to there face like "I feel like you do drugs often" thats just an example. I believe it is acceptable to stereotype about a few things like what kind of job they have or the vehicles and animals they like. My thoughts on this are that everyone stereotypes so it is a natural function but you make the choice to be rude and announce what you think they're likes and dislikes are.
Stereotyping is generally harmless. It's a natural phenomenon that happens within the human brain which makes it basically uncontrollable. I think it's perfectly acceptable because 90% of the time, the stereotypes are true. There is a line to making stereotypes though. Once you cross that line you can start to hurt people's feelings. At that point it becomes unacceptable.
It is okay to stereotype because its just a natural reaction when meeting someone you've never seen before. It is acceptable only when it's something nice about that person.
Stereotyping comes naturally to us, everyone now a days stereotyped at least one person in their lives. People sterotyping another person could be a bad thing or a good thing, the reason for this that the way you stereotype a significant person could be in a funny way or in a way that every person would agree with you. But people could also stereotype them into horrible categories which might make others think of that person differently or that persons life could get effected in a bad way because you thought something about them but they were actually different than what your knowledge knew.
as humans we often stereotype people on a daily basis. that doesn't make it ok in any way thou, it should never be ok to stereotype people, its harsh and demeaning, people stereotype other people as a meaning of joking or horrassment, mainly in this day and age we use it in a jokingly manner. most stereotypes come from what we were told about certain racses growing up or sometimes from what we've been introduced to as children, sometimes stereotyping people can be shown as a form of trying to make yourself familiar with a person. Even thou I stereotype people i don't think its a very positive thing ti do to people because it can be very hurtful and harsh so i dont think its ok at all.
I feel stereotyping people is perfectly acceptable. While it can be hurtful and also funny, however it's easy to cross that line. If you feel guilty and have to make sure to look around before you say it, it's probably too far. If a girls walking around at night and see someone freaky obviously they'll be scared and stereotype them. That in itself is a stereotype but not a bad one. It's a natural human function to stereotype.
I don't think it is ok to verbally or physically stereotype anyone, meaning you shouldn't tell someone what you think of them because of how they look, unless it's in a positive manner. It is ok, however, in my opinion, to mentally stereotype someone because it won't hurt them and it's completely normal for people to do it, but always keep an open mind when talking to new people because they could be completely different from what you may think.
People tend to stereotype others fairly quickly upon meeting another individual, but this is not always bad. We do this because we usually need to try and put a person in a certain category in our own minds. Stereotyping can also be an unfortunate way to judge a person, because we often get the stereotypes wrong in the end. I also think that if stereotypes revolve around the safety of a person it is completely fine, but if it comes to the point of insulting an individual and hurting that person, I personally do not agree with stereotyping. But in the long run, when first meeting a person, it is the human's natural reaction to instantly stereotype another. The concept of stereotypes can be an unfortunate way to make our own type of idea of who someone is, but in the end we do not always have to voice out the stereotypes we think of about a person which can sometimes make it less of a problem. -Sydney Klausat
I think stereotypes are like your opinions; you can voice them or it's often better to keep them to yourself. I do think it's acceptable because you really aren't doing any harm. Stereotyping sometimes helps one better understand or get a better idea of someone at a first glance or through brief meeting. We do it naturally without even noticing. Take that woman you saw in the grocery store for example, her attire consisted of baggy bell bottom jeans with sketchers and a sweater, while her hair is in a slick back V split pony-tail without perfect skin. Your brain needs to catagorize people, so you immediately probably thought a)single mom b)not well off or c)possible ex drug addict. It's a natural reaction, and that's okay. I find we relate stereotypes to the safety of our lives, who would you sit beside on the bus? A man with several tattoos and piercings, wearing baggy clothes? Or a woman who is dressed nicely with accessories to match?
Yes, I think its acceptable to stereotype. Because it is a natural thing that everyone does. wether it is someone you know, wearing a wierd outfit, or someone you don't know and you just made an opinion on how they look. However I think it is important that you never say what you are thinking, especially if it's mean or if It is towards the person you are stereotyping. -Hannah
People are always going to stereotype, our minds are always analyzing about the people and things around us. Yes, I think stereotyping is alright because often enough people tell you alot about who they are with how they appear. Stereotyping is unkind only when sharing your negative perspective out loud. The truth is we all do it, our views may be right and keep us safe or it could ruin your chance of meeting someone incredible. You wouldn't ask a child where to find the closest gas station or a man where to find a sewing store. The gut feeling you get about people is often correct. -kate
Yes I think it is okay to stereotype, but only when you are close friends with the person and you mean it as a joke. But I think it's definitely wrong if you are doing it to make fun of someone behind their back.
Yes I think it is okay to stereotype, but only when you are close friends with the person and you mean it as a joke. But I think it's definitely wrong if you are doing it to make fun of someone behind their back.
In my opinion stereotypes are created based off of somewhat accurate facts, no stereotypes are just created out of thin air. Whether the stereotype is negative or positive I believe that having stereotypical views is natural, and to some extent can provide safety in certain situations. If you do have particular stereotypes about a group of people I don't believe it's ever acceptable to discriminate based off them.
I believe that stereotyping is acceptable to a certain extent. Us humans have a natural need to assume facts about something or someone just by looking at it or them. Of course, stereotypes can definitely get out of hand. They can taken as offensive or are specifically said in an offensive state, that is just plain being racist when it gets to this stage. It also depends on the person who you are stereotyping. Sometimes they will find the remarks quite humorous and not have any second thoughts about it, but other times the individual may be completely against stereotyping. As long as it's within moderation it should be acceptable. - Kara Madsen
I think stereotyping is ok as long as it isn't mean or rude. When you see someone you naturally assume things about them based on their looks. I don't think stereotyping is bad or good because it is a natural response to seeing someone. I think stereotyping is only a problem when it effects the way you treat someone because of how you think they act based on how they look.
In my opinion stereotypes are created based off of somewhat accurate facts, no stereotypes are just created out of thin air. Whether the stereotype is negative or positive I believe that having stereotypical views is natural, and to some extent can provide safety in certain situations. If you do have particular stereotypes about a group of people I don't believe it's ever acceptable to discriminate based off them.
In some situations I think that stereotyping someone is acceptable becaus we do it to get to know someone or classify them. Every human can't help themselves from stereotyping someone, but stereotyping can take a deal turn. This happens when people stereotype because of race and people can't help it. These stereotypes have even changed history. For example Columbus thought the natives in North America were from India basically because of their skin colour. That just one of many serious stereotyp problem in the world. Stereotyping can be harmless but it can also be wrong which makes this such a hard question. But I think its wrong to stereotype because it causes way to many problems
I think stereotypes are okay because they're just your brain making observations on what someone's like based on their appearance. As long as stereotypes are not used in a negative manner or to generalize a large group in a negative way they are perfectly acceptable. Brandt zimmer
I think stereotypes are like your opinions; you can voice them or it's often better to keep them to yourself. I do think it's acceptable because you really aren't doing any harm. Stereotyping sometimes helps one better understand or get a better idea of someone at a first glance or through brief meeting. We do it naturally without even noticing. Take that woman you saw in the grocery store for example, her attire consisted of baggy bell bottom jeans with sketchers and a sweater, while her hair is in a slick back V split pony-tail without perfect skin. Your brain needs to catagorize people, so you immediately probably thought a)single mom b)not well off or c)possible ex drug addict. It's a natural reaction, and that's okay. I find we relate stereotypes to the safety of our lives, who would you sit beside on the bus? A man with several tattoos and piercings, wearing baggy clothes? Or a woman who is dressed nicely with accessories to match?
In some situations stereotyping can be a helpful tool to help you get to know someone. Many people stereotype without even thinking so its normal. But it can take a different turn. This happens when people stereotype because of race. Some of these stereotypes have changed the world on how they think of someone. For example the when the natives were thought to come from India because of their skin colour. Most stereotypes can be harmless, which makes the question hard. I think that stereotyping is wrong becauses even though how harmless it maybe, it causes way to much problems than solutions. Gavin Fogarty
I don't really think it's nice to judge a person on what race, religion and gender. I’m not the type of person who judges people on a stereotypes ( I like to give people the benefit of the doubt). I can see why some people might think some stereotypes are truth; some people are brought up in that investment or maybe just had a bad experience of a person of a certain race or group; but I still don't think it's an excuse to have that opinion about everybody; Everyone is different, so don't judge them until you know who they are and not what they are. ~ Annastasia
I believe it is perfectly fine and normal to stereotype people even if it is negative towards that person. You should not however, voice your stereotypical opinion on them if it is negative. If it is positive and nice and you're feeling like a good person then tell them but never comment on some opinion of yours if it's in the negative manner. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
ReplyDelete~Tyston Harrison
It is okay to stereotype in certain situations, but is not acceptable in many situations. In a situation where it a decision you make whether to stereotype or not that can harm you or be detrimental to your health, I believe it is okay to stereotype. In situations where you are stereotyping to intentionally hurt someone, or get back at someone, it not acceptable whatsoever. Although, there are situations where we as humans cannot help but to stereotype. Our brain automatically stereotypes when meeting new people as a quick way to get a first impression or opinion on someone, because of how advanced the human brain is. When we as humans get into these situations, we have to counter-attack our brain and try to learn factual information about someone before jumping to stereotypical conclusions about someone or something. I think stereotyping is okay in few situations, but not acceptable in most.
Like Mrs. Chase said, it's okay to stereotype when it comes to things like safety. Humans stereotype people almost instantly. It's just how we work. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to stereotype somebody, however, there comes a point when it's not okay. If you start to discriminate somebody because of their stereotype then it is definitely not okay. Stereotypes are a thing. It's true, we all fit into different categories in SOME ways. But we all deserve to have the same amount of respect that anybody else would.
No I don't think stereotyping is okay but I believe stereotyping is a natural thing that EVERYONE does. Personally, I think there is no way to avoid it. I make opinions of people before I actually get to know them. However, I do believe people should give others the benefit of the doubt and get to know the person and let that opinion overcome the opinion that they originally had of them. Being rude to someone because of the stereotype you created before you have gotten to know them is also wrong and I think that if we can avoid this we can avoid a lot of the bullying that goes on.
ReplyDeleteCora Loewen
I don't really think it is ever okay to stereotype. Sometimes people do match their stereotypes, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does. A lot of the time people may seem a certain way before getting to know them and once you actually do get to know them they can be completely different from what you expected. I think it is necessary to actually meet someone and know who they are before making assumptions about them.
ReplyDelete-Kassia Gifford
I think that it's okay to stereotype. It is acceptable. Our brains natural function is to stereotype people and fit them into a little box in your brain. It makes it easier to know about the person by there looks than even meeting them. Our brains also do it as a safety mechanism. We put people into a box so we can have an idea if they are dangerous or could harm us. The other thing about stereotypes is that they aren't always bad. The only time it is wrong is if you are doing it in an intentional hurtful matter. Other than that let your brain stereotype and do its natural process. You never know it could save you one day.
ReplyDeleteStereotyping s a natural thing our brains do and we can't help it. Sometimes stereotyping can help towards your own safety, when you feel you could be in danger, but if its negative towards someone and not benefiting towards yourself your thoughts shouldn't be voiced, you may not be able to help if you're thinking them or not, but don't speak it out loud.
Honestly i don't really think that its a bad thing to stereotype someone. If you think about it its almost a natural process that our brain will do to help protect our selves and access a situation. The only real time i could ever see it being wrong is if the person was deliberately trying to hurt the person and stereotyping them in a deliberately negative way.
ReplyDelete-Shelby Logan
I think it's all right to stereotype, as long as you keep an open mind if they're not like what you expected they would be. Plus as long as you don't voice your opinion, if it's insulting, I think it's fine. Just keep your opinion to yourself.
ReplyDeleteIt is never okay to stereotype in my opinion. It is a natural thing that we all do, our brain categorize so we feel safer in the situation we are put it. Society also kinda pushes us for stereotypes. With the movie coming out they are getting better with racism and sexism. But still there are movies and TV show that promote all of this. - Kaila P.S. Sarah is a BABE~!
ReplyDeleteStereotyping is not wrong, nor is it right. I think that it is natural to stereotype people, and that all people do it in moderation. The negative side associated with stereotypes is when they are taken to the extreme, when people are categorized and not given a chance to prove themselves, or when people are discriminated due to their stereotypes. If you completely believe the authenticity of a stereo type, then you are the one at fault, but just using a stereotype as a general idea of what you might expect is an okay thing in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI think it is okay to stereotype when your in a situation that might be threatening or endangering to you. i think it can be acceptable in some cases as long as it's not hurting anyone’s feelings or inappropriate. However in some cases I think it's completely unacceptable for example when it is having a negative effect on someone. I think stereotypes can be okay but I also think they can really hurt people's feelings depending on the situation. Alexa
ReplyDeleteI don't think stereotyping is neither good or bad. I think we naturally put people into certain categories whether we want to or not. I think the big issue is what we do with the stereotypes we make. Most of the time we end up making decisions on people based on what we hear or see, which is fine, its our opinion. Its what we do with those opinions. Should you go around telling people so and so is a bad person based on what you hear? Probably not. You might stereotype them yourself, but before you start telling the world they are bad based on no evidence maybe get more information. I don't believe stereotypes are bad, we do it with out even thinking about it. It is what we do with them that is wrong. We tell other people not to be friends with so and so because they don't do what you think is cool? That's when it becomes bad and hurtful.
ReplyDelete- Kendall
I feel its okay to stereotype. Usually people do it to feel safe just so your mind can process and feel more secure, but that is a total different type of situation. If its somebody at school like a person you just met that could be okay to. - tony kam
ReplyDeleteI think that yes and no for it being okay to stereotype people. Like if you are alone in dark street and someone iscoming at you adgressively then you can stereotype but just stereotyping random people in your school is not okay at all.
ReplyDeletegreg Lind
I believe that it is okay to stereotype to a certain extent because it can help you to analyze a situation. For example, in 2014 I was in the subway in Paris waiting for a train to take my tour group to our hotel when I saw a homeless man asleep on the dirty, concrete floor. He had a bottle of vodka in one hand and the other hand down the front of his pants. A few minutes later, he ran around the subway station, yelling incoherent things and running up to random people. In this instance it is okay to stereotype because it could potentially help you. That being said, you should not stereotype because another homeless man could be a really nice man who had bad circumstances which led him to where he is today.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to Stereotype people in a lot of situations, but only to a certain degree. Example: If you saw someone wearing a shirt that reads "I <3 Glasgow", they were wearing a kilt and had bagpipes over their shoulder you'd assume they were from Scotland. That's okay. If you saw someone who was carrying a skateboard, had a helmet on, and were walking in the direction of the skate park you'd think "They probably enjoy skateboarding." But if you saw someone with a french flag on their shirt, a twirly moustache, and a baugette under their arm you might go "HON HON HON, OUI OUI, BAUGETTE, FRANCAIS." You're probably in the wrong. That is flat out racist, not just stereotyping.
ReplyDeleteThis is a interesting subject. It is ok to stereotype in some situations but not all the time. If your alone at night and see this guy or girl who looks sketchy then yes maybe you can stereotypes because your scared for your safety. It always depends on the situation. I personally don't like doing it but I do. Today's generation for example stereotype natives, I get stereotyped once in a while. They think a lot of natives drink, do drugs and all, but not all of us. I feel stereotyping started with Mean Girls. Not a lot of people were open about stereotyping until after that movie. I think stereotyping can be bad because well you can be rude to that person, bring down their self esteem, and other stuff. Everything can go in a bad direction from stereotyping. I personally think that stereotyping is bad and we shouldn't do it but sometimes we cant help it....
Stereotypes are sometimes funny. I also think as long as we all look different there will always be stereotypes. I find myself stereotyping people all the time. Sometimes I feel like stereotyping is an innate part of every human being. It's what we are boring into this world thinking and what we are surrounded by.
ReplyDeleteit is okay to stereotype when ever because it is a natural reaction when seeing someone new or who may look a bit different.it is acceptable to stereotype as long as you are not being overlly rude or saying it strait to who evers face you are thinking or talking about. my thoughts on stereotyping is it is a completly natural thing to do, its apart of the brain and human nature, when you see someone new you automaticaly start stereotyping the moment you see them by the way they look and act, some times with out even knowing you are doing it.
ReplyDeleteTerje Shaw
your wrong
Deletewe stereo type people every single day, just off when we first see of them, which isn't really okay since we are often wrong about people's personalities. my thoughts on stereo typing is that we shouldn't do it because we often assume the worst possible thing, but if we keep an open mind about people, then our stereo types won't insult others, but many times they do insult people, so we should refrain.
ReplyDelete-Callie O'Rourke
I think that it is okay to stereotype to a certain point and that point is when you start being incredibly rude and hurtful or saying things to there face like "I feel like you do drugs often" thats just an example. I believe it is acceptable to stereotype about a few things like what kind of job they have or the vehicles and animals they like. My thoughts on this are that everyone stereotypes so it is a natural function but you make the choice to be rude and announce what you think they're likes and dislikes are.
ReplyDelete~Evan Toews
Stereotyping is generally harmless. It's a natural phenomenon that happens within the human brain which makes it basically uncontrollable. I think it's perfectly acceptable because 90% of the time, the stereotypes are true. There is a line to making stereotypes though. Once you cross that line you can start to hurt people's feelings. At that point it becomes unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteIt is okay to stereotype because its just a natural reaction when meeting someone you've never seen before. It is acceptable only when it's something nice about that person.
ReplyDeleteGavin Steiger
Stereotyping comes naturally to us, everyone now a days stereotyped at least one person in their lives. People sterotyping another person could be a bad thing or a good thing, the reason for this that the way you stereotype a significant person could be in a funny way or in a way that every person would agree with you. But people could also stereotype them into horrible categories which might make others think of that person differently or that persons life could get effected in a bad way because you thought something about them but they were actually different than what your knowledge knew.
ReplyDeleteas humans we often stereotype people on a daily basis. that doesn't make it ok in any way thou, it should never be ok to stereotype people, its harsh and demeaning, people stereotype other people as a meaning of joking or horrassment, mainly in this day and age we use it in a jokingly manner. most stereotypes come from what we were told about certain racses growing up or sometimes from what we've been introduced to as children, sometimes stereotyping people can be shown as a form of trying to make yourself familiar with a person. Even thou I stereotype people i don't think its a very positive thing ti do to people because it can be very hurtful and harsh so i dont think its ok at all.
ReplyDelete-Natasha Escobedo
I feel stereotyping people is perfectly acceptable. While it can be hurtful and also funny, however it's easy to cross that line. If you feel guilty and have to make sure to look around before you say it, it's probably too far. If a girls walking around at night and see someone freaky obviously they'll be scared and stereotype them. That in itself is a stereotype but not a bad one. It's a natural human function to stereotype.
ReplyDelete-Kristen Sullivan
I don't think it is ok to verbally or physically stereotype anyone, meaning you shouldn't tell someone what you think of them because of how they look, unless it's in a positive manner. It is ok, however, in my opinion, to mentally stereotype someone because it won't hurt them and it's completely normal for people to do it, but always keep an open mind when talking to new people because they could be completely different from what you may think.
ReplyDelete- Brock Caunt
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ReplyDeletePeople tend to stereotype others fairly quickly upon meeting another individual, but this is not always bad. We do this because we usually need to try and put a person in a certain category in our own minds. Stereotyping can also be an unfortunate way to judge a person, because we often get the stereotypes wrong in the end. I also think that if stereotypes revolve around the safety of a person it is completely fine, but if it comes to the point of insulting an individual and hurting that person, I personally do not agree with stereotyping. But in the long run, when first meeting a person, it is the human's natural reaction to instantly stereotype another. The concept of stereotypes can be an unfortunate way to make our own type of idea of who someone is, but in the end we do not always have to voice out the stereotypes we think of about a person which can sometimes make it less of a problem.
ReplyDelete-Sydney Klausat
I think stereotypes are like your opinions; you can voice them or it's often better to keep them to yourself. I do think it's acceptable because you really aren't doing any harm. Stereotyping sometimes helps one better understand or get a better idea of someone at a first glance or through brief meeting. We do it naturally without even noticing. Take that woman you saw in the grocery store for example, her attire consisted of baggy bell bottom jeans with sketchers and a sweater, while her hair is in a slick back V split pony-tail without perfect skin. Your brain needs to catagorize people, so you immediately probably thought a)single mom b)not well off or c)possible ex drug addict. It's a natural reaction, and that's okay. I find we relate stereotypes to the safety of our lives, who would you sit beside on the bus? A man with several tattoos and piercings, wearing baggy clothes? Or a woman who is dressed nicely with accessories to match?
ReplyDeleteYes, I think its acceptable to stereotype. Because it is a natural thing that everyone does. wether it is someone you know, wearing a wierd outfit, or someone you don't know and you just made an opinion on how they look. However I think it is important that you never say what you are thinking, especially if it's mean or if It is towards the person you are stereotyping.
People are always going to stereotype, our minds are always analyzing about the people and things around us. Yes, I think stereotyping is alright because often enough people tell you alot about who they are with how they appear. Stereotyping is unkind only when sharing your negative perspective out loud. The truth is we all do it, our views may be right and keep us safe or it could ruin your chance of meeting someone incredible. You wouldn't ask a child where to find the closest gas station or a man where to find a sewing store. The gut feeling you get about people is often correct.
Yes I think it is okay to stereotype, but only when you are close friends with the person and you mean it as a joke. But I think it's definitely wrong if you are doing it to make fun of someone behind their back.
ReplyDeleteJack w
Yes I think it is okay to stereotype, but only when you are close friends with the person and you mean it as a joke. But I think it's definitely wrong if you are doing it to make fun of someone behind their back.
ReplyDeleteJack w
In my opinion stereotypes are created based off of somewhat accurate facts, no stereotypes are just created out of thin air. Whether the stereotype is negative or positive I believe that having stereotypical views is natural, and to some extent can provide safety in certain situations. If you do have particular stereotypes about a group of people I don't believe it's ever acceptable to discriminate based off them.
I believe that stereotyping is acceptable to a certain extent. Us humans have a natural need to assume facts about something or someone just by looking at it or them. Of course, stereotypes can definitely get out of hand. They can taken as offensive or are specifically said in an offensive state, that is just plain being racist when it gets to this stage. It also depends on the person who you are stereotyping. Sometimes they will find the remarks quite humorous and not have any second thoughts about it, but other times the individual may be completely against stereotyping. As long as it's within moderation it should be acceptable.
ReplyDelete- Kara Madsen
I think stereotyping is ok as long as it isn't mean or rude. When you see someone you naturally assume things about them based on their looks. I don't think stereotyping is bad or good because it is a natural response to seeing someone. I think stereotyping is only a problem when it effects the way you treat someone because of how you think they act based on how they look.
ReplyDeleteAllison Ashman
In my opinion stereotypes are created based off of somewhat accurate facts, no stereotypes are just created out of thin air. Whether the stereotype is negative or positive I believe that having stereotypical views is natural, and to some extent can provide safety in certain situations. If you do have particular stereotypes about a group of people I don't believe it's ever acceptable to discriminate based off them.
In some situations I think that stereotyping someone is acceptable becaus we do it to get to know someone or classify them. Every human can't help themselves from stereotyping someone, but stereotyping can take a deal turn. This happens when people stereotype because of race and people can't help it. These stereotypes have even changed history. For example Columbus thought the natives in North America were from India basically because of their skin colour. That just one of many serious stereotyp problem in the world. Stereotyping can be harmless but it can also be wrong which makes this such a hard question. But I think its wrong to stereotype because it causes way to many problems
ReplyDeleteI think stereotypes are okay because they're just your brain making observations on what someone's like based on their appearance. As long as stereotypes are not used in a negative manner or to generalize a large group in a negative way they are perfectly acceptable.
ReplyDeleteBrandt zimmer
I think stereotypes are like your opinions; you can voice them or it's often better to keep them to yourself. I do think it's acceptable because you really aren't doing any harm. Stereotyping sometimes helps one better understand or get a better idea of someone at a first glance or through brief meeting. We do it naturally without even noticing. Take that woman you saw in the grocery store for example, her attire consisted of baggy bell bottom jeans with sketchers and a sweater, while her hair is in a slick back V split pony-tail without perfect skin. Your brain needs to catagorize people, so you immediately probably thought a)single mom b)not well off or c)possible ex drug addict. It's a natural reaction, and that's okay. I find we relate stereotypes to the safety of our lives, who would you sit beside on the bus? A man with several tattoos and piercings, wearing baggy clothes? Or a woman who is dressed nicely with accessories to match?
ReplyDeleteIn some situations stereotyping can be a helpful tool to help you get to know someone. Many people stereotype without even thinking so its normal. But it can take a different turn. This happens when people stereotype because of race. Some of these stereotypes have changed the world on how they think of someone. For example the when the natives were thought to come from India because of their skin colour. Most stereotypes can be harmless, which makes the question hard. I think that stereotyping is wrong becauses even though how harmless it maybe, it causes way to much problems than solutions. Gavin Fogarty
ReplyDeleteI don't really think it's nice to judge a person on what race, religion and gender. I’m not the type of person who judges people on a stereotypes ( I like to give people the benefit of the doubt). I can see why some people might think some stereotypes are truth; some people are brought up in that investment or maybe just had a bad experience of a person of a certain race or group; but I still don't think it's an excuse to have that opinion about everybody; Everyone is different, so don't judge them until you know who they are and not what they are.
ReplyDelete~ Annastasia