Thursday, February 6, 2020

Question # 1: February 2020

What is the value of a human life?  Is one life worth more than another? 


Share your thoughts below, and feel free to comment on another person's comments.  Please remember to be respectful and remember if you are not willing to say it to the classmate's face or in front of the class, don't write it.

**Sign your name if you want the marks, IF you are not logged into a google account, to ensure your comment is marked.
(5 marks/person)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Fidelity? Monogamy? What is it and how important is it (to you)?

To add to your thoughts on this topic, I would also like you to paste a quote from another person, such as Erasmus, Ghandi, Han Solo, Yoda, Whoppi Goldberg : you know, one of those classic philosophers.
Part 1: Write your comments.
Part 2: Paste quote below your comment.
Sign in as anonymous - it seems to be working better than Google account.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Question/s # 2:
When is it okay to stereotype?  Is it ever acceptable?  What are your thoughts?
(5 marks)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What is the value of a human life? Is one life worth more than another?

 Question # 1

What is the value of a human life?  Is one life worth more than another? 


Share your thoughts below, and feel free to comment on another person's comments.  Please remember to be respectful and remember if you are not willing to say it to the classmate's face or in front of the class, don't write it.

**Sign your name, IF you are not logged into a google account, to ensure your comment is marked.
(5 marks/person)